What I’m Crunching — October 22, 2023

Book I’m Reading

I started this one while driving on the way back from Cedarville University’s fall career fair with a coworker, Mike Tapia. Isaacson is phenomenal here, as always.

This one goes deeper into Musk’s childhood influences, specifically his father, who was emotionally and verbally abusive to Musk and his brother. So much of Musk’s persona today can be traced back to the abuse he suffered as a child.

Article I’m Reading

The Techno-Optimist Manifesto (Marc Andreessen)

Andreessen puts out yet another thought-provoking pro-technology piece. This one kicked up a storm online.

Podcast I’m Listening To

Lex did it again; another incredible conversation, this time with Jared Kushner.

Kushner led the way on President Trump’s peace deals in the Middle East. Lots of valuable insight to glean here.

Tweets I’m Reading

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