Here’s devotional thought for you about living righteously, from Matthew chapter five.
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Devotional Thought – Israel’s Idolatry
Transcript: Cody H. – I’m continuing my reading through The Old Testament and I’m in 2 Kings now. I’m learning so much and have been so encouraged by 1 and 2 Samuel and King David and how he lived and just learned a lot of applicable things for me. A lot of things that I…
Devotional Thought – Stephen’s Sermon
Transcript: Cody H. – Morning all. I’ve been studying through Acts seven lately. And this is Stephen’s sermon and when I’ve read it in the past, it always seems like a bit of a history lesson. Kind of strange, you know, it’s a very detailed recounting of Israel’s history. It just seems kind of out…
Devotional Thought – A Word to Wealthy Believers
Transcript: Cody H. – A few thoughts from three verses, 1 Timothy 6:17-19. So I’ll read those. Paul says to Timothy, “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant, nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God. Who richly provides…
Devotional Thought – Perplexed but not Despairing
This devotional thought was originally delivered on February 8, 2022. Transcript: Cody H. – Have you ever been through a tough season in life that you wondered whether it would ever end? You wondered whether you’d make it out of it? Maybe you wondered if, in the end, you’d make it out from under the…