What I’m Crunching — April 23, 2023

Book I’m Reading

There is no official Spotify “story” (yet), but Carlsson and Leijonhufvud have something good here.

This is an informative, well-researched look at the saga that is Spotify.

Articles I’m Reading

Financial Times: Hank Paulson: ‘I think it’s pretty likely we will see a recession’

Kaiser Family Foundation: Americans’ Experiences With Gun-Related Violence, Injuries, And Deaths

The majority (84%) of U.S. adults say they have taken at least one precaution to protect themselves or their families from the possibility of gun violence, including nearly six in ten (58%) who have talked to their children or other family members about gun safety, and more than four in ten who have purchased a weapon other than a gun, such as a knife or pepper spray (44%), or attended a gun safety class or practiced shooting a gun (41%). About a third (35%) have avoided large crowds, such as music festivals, or crowded bars and clubs to protect themselves or their families from the possibility of gun violence. Three in ten (29%) have purchased a gun to protect themselves or their family from the possibility of gun violence. Smaller shares, but still at least one in seven, have avoided using public transit (23%), changed or considered changing the school that their child attends (20%), avoided attending religious services, cultural events, or celebrations (15%), or moved to a different neighborhood or city (15%).

“About half (49%) of the public is aware that guns are the leading cause of death for children and teenagers ages 1-19 in the U.S…”

Important point:

Slightly less than half (46%) of adults are aware that more than half of deaths in the U.S. involving guns are suicides.”

    Tweets I’m Reading

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