What I’m Crunching — October 8, 2023

Book I’m Reading

I’m trying to knock this one out as it’s been languishing on my reading list. Each time I return I wonder why it’s taken me so long to come back to it. If only I had more free time for reading!

Tony Fadell has a wealth of design experience, having been on the teams that produced the Apple iPod, Apple iPhone, and the Nest thermostat (later acquired by Google).

Article I’m Reading

Ted Esler is President of Missio Nexus, which is an association of agencies and churches representing over 50,000 Great Commission workers worldwide.

I’ve been following Esler’s work for many months now, starting with reading The Innovation Crisis with my engineering team at SonSet Solutions in 2022.

He writes a thought-provoking, biblically grounded blog post about every week.

Tweets I’m Reading

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