Book I’m Reading

This book has been wrecking me this week. After a tough conversation with my coach, I started digging in. I’m guilty of excessive busyness, hurrying, and expecting everyone around me to do the same. It produces a toxicity that affects every area of my life. I see that now, and I’m (unhurriedly) working to fix it.
Here are two impactful quotes:
“I’m the guy angling at the stoplight for the lane with two cars instead of three; the guy bragging about being the “first to the office, last to go home”; the fast-walking, fast-talking, chronic-multitasking speed addict (to clarify, not that kind of speed addict).”
^ sadly, this is me…
“Hurry and love are incompatible. All my worst moments as a father, a husband, and a pastor, even as a human being, are when I’m in a hurry—late for an appointment, behind on my unrealistic to-do list, trying to cram too much into my day. I ooze anger, tension, a critical nagging—the antithesis of love.”
^ ouch, this is also me…
Looking forward to more value from this book in the days ahead.
Podcast I’m Listening To
During the WWDC conference this week, Apple announced “Apple Intelligence.” It’s their approach to working AI into their suite of products. Opinions are mixed as to the approach, especially where privacy is concerned.
This fairly technical blog post written by a few teams at Apple describes their new “Private Cloud Compute.”
Video I’m Watching
This is one of the sessions from‘s 2024 conference. You can watch the replay videos here.
It is amazing to think about how AI reverses the scattering of the nations God did in Genesis 11.
Articles I’m Reading
White Paper – Plea for a Christian Artificial Intelligence (Éric Célérier)
How Christianity Invented Children (Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry)
On Bitcoin
1st non-introductory essay in the Gradually, Then Suddenly series from Parker Lewis.
Tweets I’m Reading
This was THE best @Apple WWDC in almost a decade.
— Ash Arora (@0xashesonchain) June 10, 2024
Summarising top takeaways:
Some observations about Apple Intelligence at WWDC in no particular order:
— Nathaniel Whittemore (@nlw) June 11, 2024
+They’re really making pushing to see how much they can buck the hype cycle, making everyone wait 65 minutes before getting into AI
+This was AI for normies. Not only were they not focused on big…
Ambitious Christians seeking kingdom impact get caught in two distinct traps.
— Tyler Prieb (@_prieb) May 4, 2024
One is capitalism – money, markets, profit, and influence will impact the world at scale and validate my efforts. But we don’t see the idol of mammon and the bad fruit (alienation, etc) from…
Elon Musk is super duper angry at @Apple right now.
— Christopher David (@Tazerface16) June 12, 2024
Because Apple and OpenAI agreed yesterday to use/integrate Open AI’s ChapGPT AI product in their iOS ecosystem.
This has screwed over Elon’s side hustle xAI, right after raising $6 billion in equity.
A thread. 🧵
I have a hard time spending a ton of money on furniture
— Jason Wong 🐤 (@EggrolI) June 12, 2024
Saw this ad for a couch for $4k
Sent it to my sourcing team and it’s ordered and ready to ship for $700
Feeling like the asian moms at costco right now
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