What I’m Crunching — July 30, 2023

Book I’m Reading

This is a brief, but well-researched, hard-hitting look at some of the ideologies underpinning the increased divisiveness we have all felt in the United States over the last several years. Shapiro, in his usually “pull no punches” style, lays out what he sees as the Unionist and Disintegrationist visions of America.

Ben himself reads the audiobook edition and he sprinkles in several high-quality impressions of Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, while reading quotes from them.

Essay I’m Reading

Bitcoin Obsoletes All Other Money (Parker Lewis)

The need for money is real and individuals will converge on the form of money that best fulfills the function of exchange. No other currency in the world can ever be more scarce than bitcoin, and scarcity will act like a gravitational force driving adoption and communication of value. Today, most billionaires do not understand bitcoin. Bitcoin is an equal opportunity mind-bender. But even those who do not understand bitcoin will come to rely upon it.

Video I’m Watching

Tweets I’m Reading

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