Well, here I go. I’ve jumped in. I have been considering it for a while now and have been hesitant. I was reluctant to start a blog. I owe my reluctance to various questions.
- “Will I have enough time to do this?”
- “Will I be willing to regularly update the blog?”
- “Do I have anything worth saying?”
- “Would the posts actually benefit anyone?”
- “Is enough happening in my life to be able to keep writing about new things?”
The list goes on.
I’ve wrestled through all of these questions, and several I haven’t mentioned, and I’ve arrived at a conclusion. I’m going to start blogging. Not half-heartedly or tentatively, because I know if I start in a timid mindset, my efforts will peter out. No, I’m jumping into this effort with both feet.
Some ground rules I’ve laid for myself:
- This blog will be for the glory of God and the fame of Jesus Christ.
- My aim is to speak scripturally to any topic I write about, for two reasons: 1) the word of God speaks either directly or indirectly to every single issue we face today as humans, and 2) Scripture is the only wholly authoritative text, or place, to which believers should look for answers in this life.
- I will probably post on a weekly basis.
- I will be writing about things that I am dealing with in my life. I am an engineer, and when I want to be, a thinker. This means my mind is constantly going, running over many ideas each day, and thinking about ideas from every possible viewpoint. Blogging will be a sort of outlet for me to verbalize (through written word, obviously) my thoughts in an organized way.
- Some issues I write about will certainly be controversial. I refuse to let culture hinder me from speaking Scripturally to an issue.
- Nevertheless, I will strive to maintain the delicate balance between candor and tact, boldness and restraint, frankness and discretion. I want to obey Paul’s command in Eph. 4:29 “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
- I want to talk, as often as I am able, about things that are difficult. Issues of life that most people would rather avoid. Things like church discipline, family, relationships with parents and spouses, accountability, and mortifying (killing) sin in our own hearts and bodies.
- Lastly, I plan to leave each blog post as is, after it is posted. In other words, I will not edit a post that has been published, with the exception of correcting spelling mistakes. I want to see how my own “thoughts and Theology” evolve over time, as I allow God’s word to transform and renew my mind (Rom. 12:2).
If you have survived to the end of this introduction post, thank you! And now, let the blogging begin.