What I’m Crunching — December 3, 2023

Book I’m Reading

In light of the war between Israel and Hamas, I went looking for an account of the holocaust that I’d not seen before. Night by Elie Wiesel is an “unmistakably autobiographical account of the author’s own gruesome experiences in Nazi Germany’s death camps.”

From the Goodreads summary, “Told through the eyes of 14-year-old Eliezer, the tragic fate of the Jews from the little town of Sighet unfolds with a heart-wrenching inevitability.” I was moved to tears more than once while listening to this book.

Podcast I’m Listening To

Here’s another excellent discussion with the guys on the All In Podcast.

Notice especially timestamp 49:00 and following where Tucker Carlson says, “It is the people with the most who have the strongest desire to kill themselves and their society.”

This insight is supported by many historical examples of societal elites who, as they live in luxury and prosperity, gradually loathe themselves and their fellow humans more and more. Eventually, this trend results in self-destructive decisions and (for politicians) policies.

Luxury and excess lead sinful (normal) humans to self-destruction.

Tweets I’m Reading

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