What I’m Crunching — November 26, 2023

Book I’m Reading

I’ve been part of a new leadership development effort at the church my family is part of. A group of about 12 guys are going through this book by Malphurs. It’s been valuable, not just in what I’m gleaning from the book, but also in the deepening relationships among the guys in the group.

God is showing me that just as he builds and balances his church with congregants who have unique characteristics in the categories of styles, gifts, approaches, and spiritual gifts, he constructs leadership teams in the same way.

Praise God that he puts leaders where he wants them at the times that he does!

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! (Rom. 11:33)

Podcasts I’m Listening To

This week has been crazy with regard to the upheaval on OpenAI’s management team. NLW did an excellent job (as always) covering the events.

Tweets I’m Reading

If you have feedback for me, if something resonates and you want to see more of it, reply in the comments below. You can also tweet at me on Twitter @the_cody_hall.

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