What I’m Crunching — September 15, 2024

Book I’m Reading

This short book has been a help to me. It’s well-formulated and sensible. Zinsser argues that the best way to learn something, anything, is to write about it.

It’s impossible to write seriously on a subject without thinking deeply about it. Zinsser delves into several examples of good writing from authors: how they assemble their arguments and information, describe the subject(s) in question, and bring the readers into a narrative through their writing.

These are skills I’m working to develop.

Podcast I’m Listening To

This five-part series was well done. It’s an interesting true-story narrative exploring mysterious happenings in and around Devil’s Den State Park in Arkansas.

Article I’m Reading

There is now very little doubt that Covid leaked from a lab (Spiked)

On Bitcoin

Bitcoin Cannot be Banned

^ 9th essay in the Gradually, Then Suddenly series from Parker Lewis.

Tweets I’m Reading

If you have feedback for me, if something resonates and you want to see more of it, reply in the comments below. You can also tweet at me on Twitter @the_cody_hall.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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