What I’m Crunching — September 1, 2024

Book I’m Reading

This book is required reading during phase three of my biblical counseling certification process. It has been good; not amazing, but good.

So far, it’s reminding me of the basics of true change. The gospel, and the power of God unleashed through it, is core to true, lasting change.

Podcast I’m Listening To

Articles I’m Reading

Easy Money (Howard Marks)

^ Marks is a renowned investor who publishes several memos every year. Each one is full of wisdom and wit.

Numbers and Stories (Morgan Housel)

On Bitcoin

Bitcoin Obsoletes All Other Money

^ 7th essay in the Gradually, Then Suddenly series from Parker Lewis

Tweets I’m Reading

If you have feedback for me, if something resonates and you want to see more of it, reply in the comments below. You can also tweet at me on Twitter @the_cody_hall.

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