Book I’m Reading
The Red Rising series has been excellent, though this fourth one is less engaging than the first three (the first book was the best so far). From Goodreads:
They call him father, liberator, warlord, Reaper. But he feels a boy as he falls toward the pale blue planet, his armor red, his army vast, his heart heavy. It is the tenth year of war and the thirty-second of his life.
Video I’m Watching
Sam Bankman-Fried is doing 25 years behind bars, and is now sharing a cell block with Diddy. He joins us from prison for an update on his new life.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 6, 2025
(0:00) What Has Prison Been Like?
(2:28) Was SBF Ever on Adderall?
(4:42) SBF Meeting Diddy in Prison
(7:01) How Prison Has Changed…
Articles I’m Reading
The Clock Is Ticking While You Do Nothing (Bitcoin Magazine)
So boys shouldn’t play on girls teams? – California’s governor suddenly affirms biology (R. Albert Mohler)
On Bitcoin
Here’s an interesting adoption report from River:
Tweets I’m Reading
I’d like to reemphasize this. The dust you see is not settling. It is still going uphill when it flies over the horizon and out of view. It is like a rocket that has curved below the horizon but is still climbing. If you get this, it makes sense why it clears the view so fast. /1
— Dr. Phil Metzger (@DrPhiltill) March 5, 2025
— Balaji (@balajis) March 6, 2025
Tariffs are not a good idea for the US. Deregulation should be pursued instead. Here's why.
(1) Tariffs only protect the home market. First, at best, tariffs protect the US home market. But China only sends ~16% of its goods to the US! So even Trump's 10%…
At President Trump's speech last night, I was sitting right behind the Democrats in the gallery.
— Eithan Haim MD (@EithanHaim) March 5, 2025
I had a perfect bird's eye view of everything.
No doubt very dramatic for all of those watching but there was so much more the cameras missed. 🧵
Some things I’ve learned.
— Troy Cross (@thetrocro) December 5, 2024
1. Interrogate the hell out of consensus views. When you find a consensus opinion that doesn’t have any reasoning behind it, there’s your alpha.
2. Social costs of being an oddball are worth it if you’re right. Life is too short to live in fear of…
If being popular was my goal, I’d jump on the cheerleading bandwagon for the announced strategic reserve as a game-changer like everyone else. Of course I am thrilled at the idea of a strategic reserve in the US where bitcoin is finally being recognized. But as someone who at…
— Jeff Park (@dgt10011) March 7, 2025
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