What I’m Crunching — August 4, 2024

Book I’m Reading

This is the second book of three in Edmund Morris’ excellent work on the 26th President of the United States. The first book was excellent and all three have great reviews.

I enjoy seeing how the different personalities of various US Presidents worked themselves out in differing periods of our nation’s history. Each period required and received leaders with nuanced differences in their approach to leadership.

Roosevelt’s swashbuckling approach to life and nation-building would be out of place today. But, it was exactly what the US needed at that time and resulted in remarkable progress for our interests globally.

Podcast I’m Listening To

Another great conversation on the Bitcoin Podcast from The Investors Podcast Network.

This episode is an interview with Bob Burnett, a Bitcoin mining and technology expert. Bob explains why the value of a block is largely misunderstood and how the future of mining may differ from common assumptions. They discuss the forward marketplace for blockspace, the economic implications of its scarcity, and the evolving role of miners.

Bob also shares insights into the strategic importance of securing blockspace for major corporations and the potential symbiotic relationships between mining and financial services companies.

Articles I’m Reading

This 23-Floor Manhattan Office Building Just Sold at a 97.5% Discount (NY Times)

Google Cloud now has a dedicated cluster of Nvidia GPUs for Y Combinator startups (TechCrunch)

On Bitcoin

Another excellent keynote from Saylor.

Tweets I’m Reading

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