What I’m Crunching — April 7, 2024

Book I’m Reading

I finished this one by Perman this week. It is encouraging, biblical, and practical. It is changing my daily approach to productivity more than any other content I’ve crunched in the last five years.

Podcast I’m Listening To

This series of podcasts on the Sermon on the Mount from BibleProject has been excellent. Their approach is refreshing, they’re grounded in Scripture, and they bring out relevant modern-day applications of the truths Jesus was sharing.

Article I’m Reading

Q&A: Missionary explorer shares gospel with unengaged groups (KentuckyToday)

This wonderful article describes the experience of one participant in the IMB‘s new initiative called Project 3000. The IMB is sending 300 missionaries over five years to explore 3,072 unengaged, unreached people groups.

On Bitcoin

Are you curious about how often the Bitcoin network has been down since 2009? This site can help. Spoiler: it’s not very often.


Also, last week I shared a piece from Ten31 about the Bitcoin Network’s TAM (Total Addressable Market). They’re coming up on five years of investing in the Bitcoin ecosystem and this writeup from last year (when they crossed the $100 million threshold) sums up their thesis and casts a vision for the future of Bitcoin infrastructure investment as they see it.

Investing $100 Million into the Bitcoin Ecosystem

Tweets I’m Reading

If you have feedback for me, if something resonates and you want to see more of it, reply in the comments below. You can also tweet at me on Twitter @the_cody_hall.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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