Money Rankings on a Quality Scale

Money Rankings on a Quality Scale

Money is simply a tool with five characteristics: durability, portability, divisibility, acceptability, and scarcity. In post #4, we saw that money has three different functions: store of value, medium of exchange, and unit of account.

I’ve made a rubric to help visualize how various monies compare. This point should be emphasized: all measurements or rankings are relative to other forms of money. There is no objective measure. This ranking is also somewhat subjective, though I trust you will see it is fair.

Three Functions of Money

Three Functions of Money

High-quality money rates highly in each of these areas, low-quality money does not. The best money ranks highest across all categories.

Money serves three basic functions:

-Store of value
-Medium of exchange
-Unit of account

How different forms of money rank in each of the five characteristics will determine how well it can carry out these three functions.

What I’m Crunching — June 9, 2024

What I’m Crunching — June 9, 2024

I finished this one this week. Road trips are great for making progress on audiobooks.

Hanes has accomplished much in the world of bow-hunting. His achievements are remarkable and he has advanced the sport. His intense training (he regularly runs marathons and ultramarathons) means he outworks most others by a mile. He’s devoted to being the best bow hunter he can be.

As a piece of writing, the book is quite repetitive. I found myself asking, “How many different ways can he say the same thing?” The answer is, surprisingly many! Maybe a series of blog posts would have been adequate to get the message across. But, the book is likely allowing his message to be distributed to a wider audience.