Here’s another piece of required reading for my biblical counseling certification. It has been excellent so far!

What I'm reading, writing, and thinking about.
Here’s another piece of required reading for my biblical counseling certification. It has been excellent so far!
I’m not yet reading this one — I placed a hold on it through Libby. My brother recently recommended anything by Brandon Sanderson to me, so I’m starting with the Mistborn series. Have you read it, or anything else by Sanderson? If so, what did you think?
Here’s another little booklet I’m reading for my ACBC biblical counseling certification. The process is going well. I’ve actively counseling people and am nearly halfway through the 50 counseling sessions required in phase three of the certification process.
Hope for the Depressed is a biblically rooted, practical book for anyone struggling with depression, and anyone walking alongside someone struggling with depression.
After finishing Ringworld, I checked out the audiobook version of The Ringworld Engineers which is the second (and final) book of the series. It was much shorter than I expected and was a quick read. The first one was better. I wouldn’t recommend this second one.
Planning to finish this one this week. I’ve long known that the most effective way for me to figure something out is to write about it. I’ve always enjoyed writing, and it’s growing increasingly useful as the years go by.