What I’m Crunching — March 24, 2024

Book I’m Reading

This one was recommended to me by a close friend and supporter. He and I were roommates in college for three of my four years at Cedarville University. His small group at church has been going through this book together and he said it’s been huge for him.

We’ve had conversations over the years about our struggles and one that we share is our tendency toward workaholism. At the core, this is idolizing productivity and work, and chasing after personal worth and value through work, rather than finding our identity in Christ.

Perman lays out the biblical case for productivity and grounds it firmly in Scripture. Perman worked at Desiring God (building the website, leading other projects, etc.), so he naturally sprinkles in elements of John Piper’s “Christian Hedonism” philosophy along the way. I’m only five chapters in so I’ve not yet made it to the practical “system” tips near the end of the book. But the theology and foundation have been spot-on so far.

Papers I’m Reading

The Treasury Standard: Causes and Consequences (Joshua Hendrickson)

Re-Engineering Performance Management (Gallup)

On Bitcoin

Starting today, I’m including a segment highlighting the most helpful Bitcoin-related piece of content I’ve “crunched” each week. It could be a book, a podcast, an article, a video, or a post on X.

I am pro-Bitcoin. I discovered Bitcoin in 2018 and have spent a few thousand hours researching and learning about it. I first bought Bitcoin in 2019 and I continue buying it today. I believe that in the decades ahead it will prove to be the most impactful invention created by humans.

I recommend you start learning about Bitcoin as soon as possible.

If you’ve never learned about Bitcoin, try starting at River.com. They have helpful content explaining everything from Bitcoin Basics, to Mining, to the underlying Technology, and even how to treat Bitcoin in your Estate Planning.

If you understand the basics already, consider reading Parker Lewis’ Gradually, Then Suddenly series on Unchained.com. Lewis explores many of the key themes of Bitcoin in a well-written set of essays circa 2019.

This week, I’m highlighting Lewis’ first of the 18 Gradually, Then Suddenly essays published in July 2019 titled, “The Story of the Last and Next Dollar Crisis.” Enjoy.

The Story of the Last and Next Dollar Crisis (Lewis)

Tweets I’m Reading

If you have feedback for me, if something resonates and you want to see more of it, reply in the comments below. You can also tweet at me on Twitter @the_cody_hall.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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