What I’m Crunching — May 19, 2024

Book I’m Reading

Fast-paced and brutal. That’s the only way I know to describe this one. Interesting characters, especially The Judge. There are several layers to his character; grasping them would require another reading. But that’s exactly what I’m not going to do.

Podcast I’m Listening To

Ben and Marc explore the potential for emerging chip startups, the incorporation of AI in robotics, and what America needs to do to regain its position as the world’s leading manufacturer.

Thoughtful analysis here.

Articles I’m Reading

McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023 (Michael Chui, Mena Issler, Roger Roberts, and Lareina Yee)

Technology over the long run: zoom out to see how dramatically the world can change within a lifetime (Max Roser)

How is the US Doing? The Big Dichotomies (Ray Dalio)

On Bitcoin

Good analysis of the implications of Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations for acquiring Bitcoin:
noKYC Only

Tweets I’m Reading

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